
Readux is a small, in scope and codebase, library for managing state in web applications already using reagent.

Readux is conceptually closest to redux - and like redux, encourages customization and extension through middleware and store enhancers.

Documentation is under construction...

This project is very new and the documentation you see is a first pass - certain examples mentioned in passing (handling promises, spec validation, debugger) will become projects in their own right very soon.

Also, if you have a great idea, go ahead and implement it I will happily mention your project in the docs :) -- Well, provided it is suitably open (e.g. MIT/BSD/Eclipse Public License).

Short(ish) description

Readux aims to simplify state management by encouraging all state to be managed by a store which holds a single entity, which we call the model.

The only way to update the model is to dispatch actions against the store. An action is merely a keyword (e.g. :add-todo) and some (optional) data. The point is for the dispatched actions to describe what happened and have the store contain the logic dictating what to do in response to those actions. This way, we hope to encourage the separation of application logic from the presentation.

To actually handle actions, the store takes a reducer function, named after the function argument to the reduce function, a reducer is a function which, given an an accumulated value (the old model) and some new input (the action) produces a new accumulated value.

In short, a reducer basically has the signature reducer: model, action -> new-model.

To read from the store, we may either use store->model to access to the entire model through a reaction (think read-only atom) or write special named functions called queries which we can then use in various reagent components to extract data from our model.
